Saturday, August 3, 2013

Some warnings; perhaps this should have been entry #1

I feel the need to add some legalese, or at least some warnings about what might show up here.

This blog will be unfiltered.  Those who know me (ideally all of you reading this, because otherwise why are you here?) know that my filters are pretty weak to begin with.  My guess is I'm not going to be holding back.  If that makes you uncomfortable, I'm sorry.  I am writing this for me, more than anything, and I'm not really constitutionally capable of holding back.  That means:
  1. There will likely be swear words (see: title of said blog).  My kids are too young to read and my grandmother doesn't speak English all that well.  Hopefully that takes care of the folks whom that will offend.
  2. I will mention anatomical parts of me that are being removed.  Probably regularly.  If you don't want to hear about breasts, proceed with caution.  
  3. I will try to be witty.  After all, that's who I am, or aspire to be.  If you don't want to laugh at cancer with me, no hurt feelings.  I'll probably send out emails with the pertinent details to folks who care but don't want to wade through the rest of this, so just let me know if you want to be on the list.  
I'm sure I'll come up with more.  Stay tuned.  

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